Our MISSION: To establish awareness and access to critical early identification and treatment for autism because all families deserve the opportunity to provide lifelong positive change for their child and family.

Early intervention is the most effective tool we have to provide the best outcomes for children with autism. Early intervention developed specifically for toddlers with autism can change the way they learn—improving both brain and behavioral development. Funding will allow us to reach out to communities across Texas to increase awareness of the importance of effective early intervention. TTAN will reach out to front line professionals such as pediatricians and early intervention providers.  

Appropriate autism intervention provided by existing Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) professionals will increase the quality and quantity of effective autism intervention for children birth to 3 years of age and make it accessible to all families.

Children with autism who receive appropriate early intervention have a reduced need for future intensive intervention programs.

Appropriate autism intervention provided by existing ECI professionals will reduce costs to families and taxpayers for years to come.